My first week at Buchanan Group – Yeye Yearns with Buchanan


What the Day of Reconciliation means to Yeye:

“What the Day of Reconciliation means to me; I might be a born-free however, I do comprehend a tad bit of the complexities that our beloved Republic of South Africa had to endure during Apartheid and during these times whereby Covid-19 is continuously an aggravating factor. The Day of Reconciliation serves as a reminder to those who have been dehumanized, those that are combating Gender Based Violence, inequality and other social ills that humanity is faced with to always depict compassion and tolerance to one another. Not merely for 16 days or even on the official day that this public holiday is commemorated however, every instance one gets to do so. The rewarding part of it all is that it costs absolutely nothing to be kind and to always remember that absolutely no one has ever become poor by depicting generosity.”

Sincerely Panduleni💕
No5 “Buchanan is an international organisation that, over the past 3 decades, has delivered hundreds of millions of dollars in incremental sales for the world’s leading Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Pharma brands. Buchanan has achieved this via Brand Power on television and Home Tester Club in the digital space -both consumer facing branded platforms which are trusted by everyday consumers to help you buy better.” -extracted from Buchanan.

Nearly a year has passed since Yeye has been active on this platform -suffers from secondhand embarrassment- Firstly, I would like to apologise to Yearners for my absence. I am a final year exiting student and the year has been increasingly challenging to the point that I found myself drowning and I just could not keep up with nursing Yearn with Yeye -specifically, blogging. I am nearly entirely done with wrapping up my academic year and I should be releasing a post soon of the experience that felt like licking ice cream off an ice cream cone -that is how seemingly fast time has passed.

A day after my 22nd birthday, I commenced with my internship that spans for three months at the Buchanan Group. I am 1/3 Sales interns who await to immerse myself fully in the experience of Yearning right beside Buchanan Group Africa’s CEO; Steve Cragg. We are going to be exposed to other fields as well such as Marketing and Advertising, in order for each one of us to get an overall full-rounded experience.

I arrived a little before 9 on my first day and I greeted everyone warmly that I came across in the building and I finally got to physically meet the 2/3 interns. It was long anticipated for me to finally meet these ladies that will embark on this journey with me and I know it may be early days, however, it has certainly been such a pleasure engaging with these females. I killed time by catching up with the ladies by hearing what they have been up to for roughly the past month -I commenced late with the internship due to getting my ducks in a row with my academic year. November is a crucial time for any academic year hence I had to make sure that I do not multitask and merely focus on my academics which are my main priority. In no time, my boss arrives and asks me to meet him downstairs and so he introduces me to:


Yes I know at this point you are probably wondering what on earth is Fibonacci? Trust me, my brain was farting at this point too. However, as I was listening attentively to Steve I came to know about this interesting sequence for the very first time. Perhaps it is how Steve uniquely explained it to me that I found it pretty fascinating. Steve illustrated the Fibonacci sequence utilising my date of birth and also elaborated on the significance of the golden spiral applicable to everyday life. From how one gets attached to ones parents in the early years of ones life to how at early adolescent years one needs to ‘work hard at it like a crack addict trying to get out of rehab’ in order to fill the gap of reaching ones peak at 34. Then, the spiral goes downhill. You are ailing. It all falls down like dominoes as you age and passed your peak. I am only 22 and I have at least a decade before I reach my peak. I need to unleash the young gun in me every single day of my life and do so by being fearless, having my heart wide open and head held above water continously and being graceful as a female should be however, also channel my inner feistiness in order to compete effectively in a male-dominated universe.

How am i going to achieve this: via a vision board

Steve gave me a task to create my own vision board and also create an illustration whereby I illustrate what could be the stumbling blocks or challenges that are holding me back from achieving those things. Here is a glimpse (see above image)

“Your ambitions belong to you, you need not explain them to anyone.”

On the other hand, with the illustration that involved sharing the challenges that possibly hold me back from achieving these objectives, I found myself feeling extremely vulnerable and in-tune with my emotions when I had to create the challenges board. Matter of fact, let us not delve any deeper into that just yet. In due time, I will share the challenges and vision board in detail with you.

my intuition never lies

I also finally got to meet Nix whom is a life coach and she will be having regular weekly sessions with myself and the girls. My oh my, our very first encounter was truly memorable and liberating. We were dealing with intuition however, we got carried away and just translated the entire session into a heart-to-heart. It was just a room of extraordinary women sharing what they are constantly having to overcome in order to still look in the mirror and say “I am beautiful.” I look forward to just tapping into my femininity and warrior spirit with Nix. Here is to an adventure of a lifetime and 3 months!

The 7 steps to intuition by Nix


Welp! As you can see on the above image we had a little over 10 minutes to prepare for the allocated topics respectively and then we had to present in front of Steve. We were rewarded with delicious choc chip muffins, yum! My key takeout from the presentation sessions were how it is of paramount importance to listen and observe what the other person/speaker was stating/sharing. Information that could expand the human mind gets shared by individuals and it is vital that one shows interest in picking up at least a thing or two from what another individual has uttered. Moreover, as much as Steve gave us our flowers whilst we can still smell them, he also simultaneously critically analysed us. After all, it is a safe space to do so.

JARGON – many a times, individuals use terminology that they do not even fully comprehend. It is almost like one throws around jargon during presentations to impress the client which is completely uncool.

“Hard work should be rewarded by good food.” -Ken Follett

Here is to an adventure of 3 months and a lifetime!

Keep Yearning

Sincerely Panduleni💕

Born with HIV Aftermath

“I recall stepping into a Marketing Research lecture and the classroom was full of students. However, I just did not see students…I saw and felt lingering eyes.”

My Digital Marketing educator instructed us as students to start our own blog and upload our very first post. I remember sitting back at my space and it took me hours on end to begin to write. I knew that my very first blog post had to be disruptive, transparent and state nothing but the truth -my truth. However, what I did not know was the events that would follow after having penned down this Born with HIV experience.

The reception was indescribable. I had individuals blowing up my phone with words of encouragement and I also had the lot who disputed and talked me out of it -to withdraw the blog post because I am embarrassing my family more especially my mother. Truth is, I never asked permission from Bampi to come out with this. I never consulted with anybody after the real-life experience either. My friends and I kept it to the self until I came out on 27th February 2019. I did not need anyone to validate my story or experience, I knew as a budding blogger I had to be as raw and transparent as possible. I remember the following days of attending class I faced discomfort and criticism. I recall stepping into a Marketing Research lecture and the classroom was full of students. However, I just did not see students…I saw and felt lingering eyes. Until one of my good friends waved at me to come sit at the seat they reserved for me. It probably took me a couple of minutes to acclimate. My good friends, who have been present from the day I disclosed to them about my status and throughout the coming out phase, tried to make the environment as normal as possible -that is as far as I could tell or rather remember.

The Campaign

Then one day, as I was showering, it hit me that it cannot certainly just stop here. Growing up, I have always been passionate about being an example to both young and old. I am an individual who is an advocate for iterating change so it would only be fair that I became an advocate for the epidemic HIV & AIDS. I decided to launch my own campaign whereby I will be visiting schools in the Western Cape area and sharing my true story. The initial goal was to visit 21 schools but sadly due to financial constraints I managed to only visit one which is Rustenburg Girls High School. I am planning to fulfill the remaining 20 schools in the year 2020 and cannot wait to continuously make my mark in the world.

My purpose is to be compassionate and useful to man. With the Born with HIV campaign I pray to:

• Defy family pressure or absent-mindedness among the public in terms of knowing your status

• Be a model of transparency, encourage openness among society to continuously break the stigma of HIV & AIDS.

• With my true story I truly believe that the public will somewhat resonate more than merely using educational programs to address HIV & AIDS.

Internship: Yeye Yearns with Snell complete

My sought-after time at Edward Snell & Company is coming to an end in about a week or so. Recently, my Yearn with Yeye article was released in Edward Snell’s internal In Good Spirit magazine. My excitement is quite evident via my profile pictures -I have the article gracing my social media pages and I could not be any prouder! We thank God. Have a good read at my article as I share more about how my time with the company has been and also how Yeye Yearns with Snell panned out.


Someone once said; “Kukude emva, kodwa kufitshane ngaphambili” meaning “It is far behind, but even closer forward.” It is self-explanatory. 2020 is the year I complete my Advanced Diploma in Marketing and graduate a second time. Here are snaps from my National Diploma in Marketing graduation that took place on 11 December 2019. Moreover, I will be fulfilling the Born with HIV campaign. God willingly.

Happy Sunday and a very happy holiday and festivities!

Keep Yearning

Sincerely Panduleni

Yeye Yearns with Snell: 3-months in-service training complete

TRADE CALLS (August 26- September)

Every Mondays and Wednesdays I do my calls. Mondays are usually shorter than Wednesdays in duration because only a few venues are usually open. Now let me enlighten you, doing a “call” entails going to a venue and checking if our products are present and that all else concerning our interaction as a company and with the venue is in place. I have been doing calls (which covers the Sales aspect of the internship program) for the past 9 months. At first, my mentor would hold my hand throughout the entire process –that is, accompany me during calls up until he felt like I was ready to do this on my own. My mentor’s teaching skill is that of “Leni I will drop you into the water and you shall learn to swim on your own and make your own mistakes and then you will realize your shortcomings.” I still recall those words from our first interaction with my mentor. It sounded very much intriguing at first, but the more time I actually work alongside him and how he grants me the freedom to paint the canvas the way I want, the more I am actually Yearning and establishing relationships with the different employees at the venues.

Here are a few experiences I will share to give you a feel of my relationship with the different venues

Sneaker Cartel

After I complete my call, I am always fascinated to see which new sneakers have made the shelves overtime when I visit the venue. I really find it fascinating how the owners have incorporated sneakers on display in a nightclub. And just to show how I too can show up, I often rock sneakers when I visit the venue so to say I am also on point when it comes to my sneaker head game. Here is a snap of the coolest kicks I have come across recently.


Perhaps the most welcoming staff I came to know, the bartenders and employees are always hard at work when I arrive at the venue just a little before commence of business which is at 3PM. Always striking up chats with employees of what went down this past weekend with regards to activations. An employee helped shoot a video of myself when “Cointreau Wednesdays” was still a thing at Souk, merely a shoutout!

Sadly the video(s) failed to upload on this platform

Yours Truly

This is a venue I recently started doing my calls at. I came across a defect where our brands are not placed entirely correctly or in the right order. A good example would be when an opposition brand was placed among our brands. Which is highly inappropriate so I asked the bartender or waiter to fix it.


Joining the Marketing Department Team enabled me to be a part of the proceedings of the Russian Bear BE US campaign that officially launched on September 1st. My learning skill is that of a reflector, I like to observe most of the time than talk. So I would sit in on meetings and probably take note of what has been said or covered during that instant with the different agencies. Moreover, acquainting myself with the lingo of agency and industry professionals was also a challenge for me. I will not lie, they are times I would find myself in agency meetings and it would take me at least an hour to catch on what we are on about or have an idea. My highlight thus far of the campaign would most definitely be that of going to the studio to record ads for the campaign. It was my very first time in the studio and it felt epic just being there and approving or disapproving of anything that I did not like. The individual that I report back to at the Marketing Department team also gives me authority when it comes to approving media or anything concerning the campaign and I truly believe that that is pretty cool.


You have probably spotted me rocking a light blue puffy or bomber jacket. Well that is the most-rated Energy Fusion jacket by Russian Bear and it is probably safe to say I am the only one rocking it in the office. Behold there is still some exciting merchandise on the way especially for Jose Cuervo and Russian Bear. I love to rep Edward Snell and company. In other words, wherever I go, especially when it is workflow I love to rock the merchandise I have that affiliates with the company and I do that with so much pride without being boastful because that is a value that the company embraces and it speaks back to me. Being a part of approving designs for the BE US campaign was also great fun because the merchandising that the designer comes up with…it is of paramount importance that it speaks back to the brand.


This was probably a first for me. I had an employee from Edward Snell and company ask me to overlook the Stretton’s activation and boy was it a vibe! Employees from the Takealot headquarters just knocked off from work and it was time for their weekly drink-a-lot session. Mixologists and myself were settling in and in no time there were extensive lines because people were keen to taste and see what we had to offer. Well like Stretton’s would say they were JUST IN (time). The employees there were hip, very outgoing and socializing extensively! The employees were engaging with the mixologists and myself, participating in choosing the condiments and garnishes of their perfect serves. I, of course also joined in on the fun, but I had mocktails because one needs to stay woke so one makes sure whenever one is doing a report feedback on the activation that one actually recalls every single relevant detail thereof.

And just like ice cream being licked off a cone, my official 3-month in-service training is yet to come to an end. Next week, I have to deliver a final presentation of my performance rating review and officially seal things off with the Marketing Department team. I will be sealing things off In Good Spirit since I will be featured in Edward Snell and Company’s official magazine for my work with Yeye Yearns with Snell. I will make sure to share the official article as soon as it is done you just keep yearning with me will you.

Sincerely Panduleni


It has been a little over 3 months since I have written. Please do not kill me, I know I have fallen behind with regards to that. I have been busy getting my ducks in a row launching Yearn with Yeye’s official YouTube channel (Panduleni Mntu). It has been nearly a month since it has launched. Prior to launching the official YouTube channel, I have been uploading the makeup tutorials on Yearn with Yeye’s official Facebook page at I was sceptical whether I should upload it on this platform as well since Yearn with Yeye is merely based on written content on this platform. Well Yearners I have great news, I have decided to compile a piece that consists of all the makeup tutorials I have done thus far. Please do comment down below what you think of the looks and subscribe to my official YouTube channel and like my official Facebook page at I need all the support you can show me!

4. Natural look makeup tutorial

Watch full video at

Items used
 For eyes
-Eyelashes Enchanted Neon Dreams After Dark by Eylure
-I❤️extreme Volume Mascara Waterproof by Essence
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Baby Skin Primer by Maybelline

For face
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Stayfast Pressed Powder by Yardley in Caramelised 10
-Full coverage foundation by Rimmel in Golden Caramel

For lips
-Shine wetlook lip gloss by Essence

3. ELECTIONS-themed makeup tutorials

“uBaypes weANC💚💛” makeup tutorial

Watch full video at

Items used

For eyes
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-KANGOL eyeshadow palette
-Eyelashes Enchanted Neon Dreams After Dark by Eylure
-I❤️extreme Volume Mascara Waterproof by Essence
-Eyebrow Designer by Essence

For face
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Stayfast Pressed Powder by Yardley in Caramelised 10
-Full coverage foundation by Rimmel in Golden Caramel
-Glow Up setting spray by Essence
-Bronzer by Colours
-Baby Skin Primer by Maybelline

For lips
-Shimmer lip gloss by Revlon

“Empress for the EFF👑💋” makeup tutorial

Watch full video at

Items used

For eyes
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-KANGOL eyeshadow palette
-24 Rose Gold palette by Beauty Treats
-Eyelashes Enchanted Neon Dreams After Dark by Eylure
-Eyebrow Designer by Essence
-I❤️extreme Volume Mascara Waterproof by Essence

For face
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Stayfast Pressed Powder by Yardley in Caramelised 10
-Full coverage foundation by Rimmel in Golden Caramel
-Glow Up setting spray by Essence
-Bronzer by Colours

For lips
-The Only One in 510 Rosetto by Rimmel

“Angelina for the Democratic Alliance💙😇” makeup tutorial

Watch full video at

Items used

For eyes
-KANGOL eyeshadow palette
-24 Rose Gold palette by Beauty Treats
-Eyelashes Enchanted Neon Dreams After Dark by Eylure
-Eyebrow Designer by Essence
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline
-I❤️extreme Volume Mascara Waterproof by Essence

For face
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Stayfast Pressed Powder by Yardley in Caramelised 10
-Full coverage foundation by Rimmel in Golden Caramel
-Glow Up setting spray by Essence
-Bronzer by Colours

For lips
-Shine wet look lip gloss by Essence


Support the fighters, admire the survivors and honour the taken CURE LUPUS.

2. Natural makeup for beginners #GoPurpleForLupusMakeupChallenge makeup tutorial

Watch full video at

Items used

For eyes
-HUDA Beauty Allure eyeshadow palette
-Eyelashes Exaggerate No 141 by Eylure
-I❤️extreme Volume Mascara Waterproof by Essence
-Eyebrow Designer by Essence
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline

For face
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Stayfast Pressed Powder by Yardley in Caramelised 10
-Full coverage foundation by Rimmel in Golden Caramel
-Bronzer/Blush by Colours

For lips
-Shine wet look lipgloss by Essence

1. Mother’s day special makeup tutorial

Watch full video at

Items used

For eyes
-KANGOL eyeshadow palette
-I❤️extreme Volume Mascara Waterproof by Essence
-Eyebrow Designer by Essence
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline

For face
-Baby Skin primer by Maybelline
-Hide the blemish concealer by Rimmel
-Stayfast Pressed Powder by Yardley in Caramelised 10
-Full coverage foundation by Rimmel in Golden Caramel
-Bronzer/Blush by Colours

For lips
-Shimmer gloss by Revlon

Yearn with me by subscribing, commenting and following me on my official YouTube page and other social media platforms to stay up to date with my uploads. It is clear that I will be focusing more on the YouTube channel because I will be uploading weekly makeup videos. Remember that makeup does not create beauty it on enhances it. Keep on yearning.

Sincerely Panduleni


Father said; “I will not be dependent nor wait for my children to do something or make me live a comfortable lifestyle. I will rather do it myself because children and life is so unpredictable.” There was a lot of pride in my eyes but my heart broke a little simultaneously.

Remember when that guy you like got a D for their English test and the whole class cheered him on and thought he certainly is “the ou” (the man)? Well I think not. Why do we as society condone such behaviour? I am not being a feminist or anything but I believe had a female got a D for any class test the class would not roar for her as much as they would for a male figure. Since when has it become a trend to fail all your modules and still look good doing it? It baffles my mind how I look around my environment and see how the youth take education for granted -the opportunity to grasp, to learn and be enriched with knowledge that could expand the human mind. Many a times, growing up and being labelled a “cool kid” was the norm and it still is. You have individuals who come from homes where their loved ones only wish well for them and want them to reach their full potential –hence, they are given this opportunity to be able to pursue their studies. However, students tend to ditch their studies or put minimal effort and they think it is completely fine failing all your subjects and repeating courses. Now, correct me if I am wrong but this piece will come across as some sort of argumentative essay –which it is because I am totally against this. The thing is, it is not that these individuals do not have the potential to succeed in these courses, no not at all. It is due to society’s “I am too cool for school” saying and some of them are certainly adapting to that. It breaks my heart knowing that back at home, we have left a number of family members who are dependent on our success, our growth. We have left our unemployed, poverty stricken parents –who do utmost anything to make sure we have all that we require and desire only for us to fail them tremendously. Even if you are being put through school by NSFAS or any other bursary or funding scheme that there is, I cannot fathom the thought of having to put any of the above mentioned juristic persons or parent or guardian through that. I recall having this conversation with an African father figure at the OR Tambo International airport sometime earlier on in January and we were just discussing life and parenting in general. He told me a little about his background and told me how he is aware that he is old and should be retired already but he has already instilled himself on (and I quote in his words); “I will not be dependent nor wait for my children to do something or make me live a comfortable lifestyle. I will rather do it myself because children and life is so unpredictable.” There was a lot of pride in my eyes but my heart broke a little simultaneously. Some of our parents have lost all hope in us as the youth to bring significant change. It is sickening and shameful.

So what does one gain exactly from failing their modules? Well I will tell you this, from my experience I have encountered a number of students who have failed some of their modules and some even the modules entirely! They would brag about it, stating that “I am not about that life fam.” Which I believe they are referring to they are not about putting in the work and hours of studying and just making sure their pigs are in a row. Well I am a sapiosexual –that is, I am attracted to the human mind so if you are not intellectual you can kick rocks because I am not having that. You can imagine my reaction each time I would hear someone brag about failing their modules and they still believe they look cool doing it. Criticism and shaming is what you will receive from fellow sapiosexuals or from people who get a sour taste in their mouth just from hearing you boast about such. On the other hand, you might get a nod or have friends pat you on the shoulder and just jokingly rave about your intentional poor performance.

People that know me on a very personal level know that I am of the firm belief of surrounding yourself with people who are great. You need to surround yourself with the great so that you too can be great. Varsity or being a student alone may come across as cool but it really requires one to be determined and just put in the hard work because one needs to live up to the name. There is so much power in being called or labelled a “student” You are about to utilize the weapon that is Education to bring iterating change to your community, your world, your universe as a whole! There are just too many people suffering. There are people who are yearning for the opportunity you have. The opportunity to BECOME that you are not taking into consideration. You need to be serious about life and being a student. It is crucial that you tap into this now and quit playing. This is something no one else but yourself can take away from you. I too, dislike studying at times but I know deep down I am fully aware that nothing great has ever come easy and that I have to continuously work with my head down so that when the year ends I will be able to reap the harvest of my labour. Your loved ones and I are not asking you to solely shift your focus on your studies. We are asking you to do right by yourself and to your future by putting your best foot forward in whatever that you do. It is not easy to just simply get by in life, it does not function like that.

Stay in school.

Love Always Panduleni


“As soon as I got home, seconds turned into minutes as I waited for you to come warmly caress me but there was no sign of you at all. Tears streaming down and that is when I knew you had left me forever.”

Tissues, snacking on Bar-One candy bars as I pen this down straight from my heart. I recall all the events that happened between us prior to the day I found out you were just no more. HOOT HOOT as the Tuscany taxi arrived and Randall helped me carry my bags into my loving home. Bambi huddling me, asking how my trip was and how student life is treating me entirely. I remember being so agitated because something in my spirit just felt like something was missing. Bambi tried distracting me by asking 21 additional questions regarding school as she had left her sweeping –which I found her busy with when I arrived. After all was said and done, I immediately inquired about your whereabouts. That is when she grabbed the broom and continued sweeping the stoop and instructed me to go and put my bags away. I instantaneously became suspicious. Something was just not right. I did as she instructed me to and came back to ask about you once again. She stopped sweeping and said; “This is what I was avoiding to tell you all along. I should have told you a while back but you were busy with your exams and I did not want this to serve as a disruption hence I kept it away from you. Bhova died less than 3 months ago.” And before I could even say anything, I burst out of tears and agonizing pain began to fill the walls of my heart.


On a Sunday morning, I found you or rather you found me. You were stuck next to my trashcan and you were whining I think it was due to the wire wrapped around the trashcan that disabled your movement. Bambi called me out “Yeye, Yeye!” repeatedly with excitement in her voice. As soon as I saw you, you stopped whining and became so ecstatic. Waving your tail and just being jittery and I, on the other hand, I became marvelled by your existence. For a moment I even believed Bambi brought you to me kanti she disputed the claims and said you were Grandma Handjievol’s dog. I still did not mind that you were not entirely mine however, I knew that I would get to spend as ample time as I want with you just living across my street. I remember freeing you from the agonizing pain you were experiencing and just like a new pal, I invited you inside my house and I ran to my fridge, cupboards and took out all the candy and lekkernye (snacks) I thought you might like. I had Cadbury dairymilk chocolate and Nik Naks cheese flavoured chips. I was sceptical whether you might like the snacks but your excitement eliminated all my doubts. I broke one bar of the candybar and let you get the taste (do you like the TASTE?) You chewed on it but I could tell by the look on your face it tasted like nothing you had before. I continued to feed you the Nik Naks, I think you liked that more. Bambi came back inside and I was gushing to her how I just let an entire dog enjoy some of my then favourite snacks. She obviously laughed it off and was just really thrilled to see how much I was bonding with you. In no time, I was sitting in Bambi’s then new couches and you were sitting on her leopard-zebra like mat and watching TV with me. I was staring at you with the corner of my eye and I could tell you seemed pretty confused at the illustrations that were being depicted on TV. I remember standing up to go close the door and immediately when I turned my back towards you, you were legit sitting on the couch like a normal person. I was shocked and nervous at the same time because if Bambi found you on there dis nag! (it is over) I quickly tried to “shooo” you away. Reprimanding you from such behaviour but you looked at me clueless. I became impatient and I remember trying to remove you from the couch but you just remained stationary. After much trouble, I pushed you off and I think you hit your head on the wooden table whilst leaving your claw marks on there. I tried to console you by rubbing your head and giving you some more candy. On a different event, I also remember Grandma Handjievol applying oil on you to remove insects and leeches. Bambi had washed the leopard-zebra like mat and displayed it outside, you did the most bizarre thing ever –you legit went to lie on the CLEAN wet mat with your oil-covered body. I remember busting you but it had been already too late cause the mat was covered in black oil. I was SO scared for you chap. Bambi was furious and I recall telling Ethan about the incident –in Bambi’s words; “If I had an axe, I would have chopped Bhova’s head in half for what he did.” That was another funny and a little nerve-wrecking experience too.

Days, weeks, months and eventually years passed on by. We went on our weekly lake dates with Rozelle and late Clover, visited Jordan and Ounooi at the Boere-quarters during high school, I saved up and bought you your first leash from Spar and fun toys and snacks too. Myself and Ryan Mangweni teached you how to skip rope, play football like no other Kasi or Lokshin dog would. You were more than that, you were superb. You were a super dog. I even experienced painful moments with you. I remember when this one Rastafarian was passing by our street and you came at him and he got aggressive and picked up a rock and aimed it at you and how I thought I was your supergirl and flew in to protect you –only for the rock to hit me on the left side of my face. I grew such a huge lump and I was crying hysterically but you still chased after him. Or how you got bitten by a snake and your face and neck became swollen for days on end –that was another terrifying experience for me because at the time Port Nolloth had no sustainable veterinarian. How Nogqa made a song for you “Bhova, Bhova Nja Yam Ndiyakthanda. Uzukhule x3” (“Bhova, Bhova My Dog I Love You. May You Grow Strong”) -showcasing our immense love for you as our dog. Lastly how Asiphe, Caroline, Toschca, Elene, Diago, Bronwyn, Dwayne, Maria and the rest of my classmates would show you immense love by asking how you are and your wellbeing. ALL these incredible memoirs, I will hold dear to my heart champ.

“I know during the last few years of your life span I was not fully present and I do not want to cite school as an excuse. I just want to let you know that my childhood was an even wonderful experience with you being in it. Thank you for the moments. I promise to love you forever. You will always be the biggest part of me.”

Rest in Paradise Bhova 03/2018.

Sincerely Panduleni

African Beauty

“So tell me what does this mean to you? How does it make you feel? Which feelings does it invigorate inside of you…”

Poem by Caroline Mogopedi

The black African woman, thick and creamy like Nescafé.

Bold and creamy and strong

something I would not apologise for.

No makeup can renew the beauty of the African soil

but eish I am still crying for those

who never found themselves

I am crying for those who

never knew who they really are

But dear African woman

they say pretty hurts but if pretty hurts how can I renew my golden African words

Perhaps chocolate skin with teeth shines brighter than my daily pills

Thick and spongy hair all natural for the golden African woman

They say untie yourself from the word of mouth

and never feel sorry for what you have

and for what you can achieve.

Look around explore but

Never ignore the beauty of your country


Oh yes


Millions have fought and died all because of the colour of their skin

And if you dig a little bit


Into the situation that was formed out of our generation

Many go for implants, surgery and

You name it

Makeup is their new fashion

Many want to be sexy, curvy like Kim Kardashian

But dear African woman

Beauty is not but skin deep

Why not love yourself?


Because the beauty of the African woman will always be carried in the heart and the soul of the nature…

African beauty: the black African woman

So tell me what does this poem mean to you? How does it make you feel? Are there any feelings that are being invigorated inside of you when you read through it? The first time I heard this poem was via WhatsApp Messenger during early first year of my tertiary education. Caroline had written it for me to give her a review of what I think of the poem. I, of course thought it was terrific and it really reminded me of my superpower which is being a woman. But not just any kind of woman, but an African woman. It reminded me that I have the strength of ten thousand moons and that I should continuously embrace being me. Choosing to become the utmost better version of myself is one of the best decisions I have ever taken. Putting my best foot forward in everything that I do. I am bold, strong being an understatement I would say I am a warrior and above all a lotus flower bomb. I carry myself with so much grace and I believe each woman should carry themselves that manner. All women are and they can be beautiful. This poem is somewhat liberating too because it looks at the struggles that women of all walks of life have to go through in terms cosmetic surgery and having to live up to what society describes as “what it means to be beautiful.” Many a times women lose their identity and forget to stay true to who they are because of this. It is saddening and somewhat dehumanizing. We urge that women cancel all these voices that go against their moral values and ethics and just embrace their true self. It also paints a different picture on the beauty of your beloved country. Where are you going? Where are you coming from? Indeed everywhere you go all you see is beejootiful (beautiful) people. Moreover, with regards to makeup the poem is not saying that women should not apply it however, they should learn to be comfortable in their own skin first. People love following trends and the beauty industry is certainly a fast growing one. No wonder makeup is the new fashion and tell you what? It certainly will not run out of style because it is here to stay and we are totally here for this.


Furthermore, I will harness the African women and help them hone their makeup skills on this platform. I am no certified makeup artist, however I look forward to helping each and every one of you in honing your facebeat skills. I will be posting videos and images which will portray how I do my facebeats and how to pull-off the different looks as well. I will make sure it is accessible on my different social media accounts namely Facebook, Instagram as well as on my WhatsApp statuses, Instagram and Facebook story/highlights to enable more reach and exposure. I am also open to receiving criticism and suggestions that you may have so that I can go back to the drawing board and perfect my skills –there is always room for improvement after all! We will commence with the simplest form of beauty hacks such as “How to do my eyebrows on fleek” and then move on to do fun, dramatic and fantabulous looks that you will surely love! I want you to be patient with me as I am with you. I did not learn to do makeup overnight. I, too, had to participate in watching YouTube videos and yearn from girlfriends until I finally got the hang of things. It has been a little over two years now that I have been dolling myself up and each time I do it, it feels like I am given a clear canvas and I need to paint a perfect picture clear. I have such incredible fun doing so too. I assure you this is certainly going to be an incredible journey and I cannot wait until my first video/images are up so that we can interact and hear the different perceptions you all will have regarding the looks. The good, the bad –all the tea honey! Furthermore, I also look forward to hear from you by also showing me your results. Isn’t this what you came for? This will be our cocoon where we will not only be Yearning with Yeye (Learning with Lelo) but we will also uplift one another by projecting constructive criticism, love and respect to one another.

Remember that makeup should not create beauty, it only enhances it.

Thank you for reading. Do not forget to follow my blog and not your dreams.

Sincerely Panduleni

Born with HIV

The doctor said; “Your child is HIV positive, you need to abort the baby.” Those words, they still linger in my mind as Bambi told me that I was born with HIV.

Having a parent that is constantly humorous and would do absolutely anything to make sure your happiness comes first and that you are always chuckling is a blessing. Bambi is my comedienne and above all, my cheerleader. She just came from freshening up and I was busy on my smartphone, you know, chatting and just browsing the Internet and soon enough we were having such a very deep, intimate conversation. The mood was high and it was not long until she dropped the news on me. I thought she was probably pulling my leg for one second. I was baffled and could not comprehend how I was able to make it this long without any treatment or any complications whatsoever. I excused myself to go to the bathroom so I can register everything that is happening.


I was born on World Aids Day; December 1st. Somehow knowing that I just found out such devastating news it sort of hit home and I asked myself mind boggling questions such as; “What if I was meant for this life? What if my purpose is to become an activist for HIV and AIDS?” It was too coincidental that 17 years later into this life thing I find out such devastating news and that too, being born on the same day and month that this chronic disease is celebrated. I probably stared at my reflection in the mirror for a couple of minutes whilst trying to wipe the thousand tears that I had already cried. I went back to Bambi’s room and I was acting all casual and crept into bed and it was lights out and never again did we bring the subject up. Perhaps the only time she would bring it up was during our daily prayer sessions we would have where she will be asking the Higher Power to cleanse our bodies from (this illness) and all other impurities. I would just stand there and pause during the prayer sessions because I just realised “things just got real.” That was it.
Later that year, in 2017, I decided to be transparent with the rest of my good friends and circle at school and I disclosed this sensitive information. They were extremely saddened by this but somehow I managed to see the silver lining in the clouds that were hovering over me. Truth is, when you are surrounded by supportive and understanding individuals as well as strong faith, sharing things and just staying true becomes a lot easier.


One day I just decided to go and face the music and wanted to see the results for myself. I became Thomas. After all, seeing is believing and I was not going to shy away from this. I disclosed to Bambi that I was going fully in and that I am doing this for myself. She convinced me not to go because I would just go and humiliate myself and that the Positive results will not alter and that should I go we will not be on good terms. She said a lot of contradicting things. Frustrated and nearly going half-crazy I had an ultimatum to make. I pulled in a couple of good friends to accompany me as I pretend to be surprised when I receive my HIV Positive results (screams internally) Not happening. I took the very same friends I told about this and the nurse was not comfortable with the entire idea of having friends present when I am taking the test. I explained to her what the purpose was for them to be present because I knew I would need moral support as I am about to find out something I already know. Something I already know, how terrifying is that? She said she was not allowed to do this as this could backfire but after enough convincing she ended up trusting us. I was nervous as hell but I just did not want to show it. My friends and I got tested at the same time and we anxiously waited. The results came back. They were all HIV Negative. Godwillingly. My eyes widened, I think I nearly cried. It was a relief for all of us. I asked the nurse if I could capture an image so I could show Bambi and she agreed. I captured the image of my results and it was not long until I send them to her through WhatsApp Messenger. She called me and I think she was feeling some sort of euphoria. I think it was just as emotional for her as it was for me and other individuals that were affiliated with this matter. Imagine having to abort your HIV Positive baby because a doctor instructed you to do so? It indeed sounds berserk.

C’est la vie (such is life)

Being HIV Positive would just mean I am no different from the next. I too would just be playing a crucial role in being one on this earth. I would be a part of the only race that truly matters which is the human race. As for Bambi, keeping something as sensitive and life threatening like this away from the self is (insert UNCENSORED term here …………….) I will let you finish that line for me. On the other hand, there is no denying that Bambi gave me the greatest gift there is –LIFE. I would not be on this platform sharing my personal story with you had she chosen the other alternative. I pray that people do not shy away from speaking about such experiences. They are indeed sensitive, however, we need to get into the habit of having to constantly disclose things, look in the mirror and still say that you are beautiful.

You are the most beautiful thing I keep in my heart

Thank you for reading. Share your story below if you like. Do not forget to follow my blog and not your dreams.

Sincerely Panduleni

Wa tekerapo, Molweni, naandse naandse, HELLO!

Warmly welcome to my blog. I am still fine tuning my website and getting the hang of things. There is so much I would like to share with you. Join me as I embark on this marvelous journey. Here, we will dream of and have our hearts set on becoming better versions of ourselves by enhancing our beauty and not creating it cause we are all already uniquely and wonderfully made. So tell me, are you keen to Yearn with Yeye?

Sincerely Panduleni